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HB 1329


HB 1329 Preventing utility shutoffs for nonpayment during extreme heat.


When the temperature is predicted to be 90 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, it would require Landlords to make a reasonable attempt to reconnect Utility services for the tenant as part of the part of the Landlord tenant act, where the tenant was cut off due to nonpayment.


  • Jan 16 First reading, referred to Environment & Energy. (View Original Bill)
  • Jan 23 Scheduled for public hearing in the House Committee on Environment & Energy at 1:30 PM (Subject to change). (Committee Materials)


Representatives: MenaAlvaradoBerryDuerrLeavittMorganRamelRyuSennSimmonsTimmonsKlobaBatemanSlatterOrwallReedLekanoffGregersonDoglioTharingerCortesDonaghyPolletCallanFosseMacriDavisStonier


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