HB 1892 – Concerning the workforce housing accelerator program
Creates the Workforce Housing Accelerator Revolving Loan Fund Program within the Department of Commerce to administer loans to eligible organizations to assist with the development of housing for low- income households.
Sponsors: Leavitt, Alvarado, Bateman, Peterson, Shavers, Reed, Fosse, Hackney, Barkis, Low, Eslick, Callan, Abbarno, Taylor, Klicker, Connors, Walen, Reeves, Ryu, Berry, Cortes, Stearns, Slatter, Duerr, Bronoske, Ramos, Ormsby, Barnard, Fey, Timmons, Kloba, Macri, Street, Chopp, Paul, Gregerson, Sandlin, Orwall, Bergquist, Goodman, Ortiz-Self, Nance, Santos, Pollet
- Creates the Workforce Housing Accelerator Revolving Loan Fund Program within the Department of Commerce to administer loans to eligible organizations to assist with the development of housing for low- income households.
RENT CONTROL .........Take Action on HB 2114 and SB 5961
SB 5961 Link: https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=5961&Chamber=Senate&Year=2023
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