HB 2113 – Concerning compliance with the housing element requirements of the growth management act
DEAD – Concerning compliance with the housing element requirements of the growth management act.
Sponsors: Bateman, Macri, Peterson, Alvarado, Leavitt, Bronoske, Ramel, Fitzgibbon, Berry, Reed, Ormsby, Taylor, Gregerson, Street, Mena, Tharinger, Berg, Lekanoff, Riccelli, Cortes
- Requires a city or county planning under the Growth Management Act (GMA) to submit its housing element and any related development regulations to the Department of Commerce (Commerce) for a determination of housing element compliance.
- Prohibits a city or county planning under the GMA from denying an affordable housing development unless the city or county has received a final determination of housing element compliance from Commerce, or certain other conditions are met.
RENT CONTROL .........Take Action on HB 2114 and SB 5961
SB 5961 Link: https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=5961&Chamber=Senate&Year=2023
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