HB 2158 – Expanding urban growth area boundaries for residential development
DEAD – Expanding urban growth area boundaries for residential development.
Sponsors: Connors, Reeves, Klicker, Barkis, Barnard, Graham, Hutchins
- Requires cities and counties planning under the Growth Management Act to expand their urban growth area (UGA) boundaries to include certain types of parcels.
- Requires parcels to be included in UGA boundaries in situations where the parcels have: a shared boundary with a UGA, a residential development approval, or access or planned access to urban services.
- Requires parcels to be included in UGA boundaries in situations where the parcels: are adjacent to UGA boundary roads and parcels across the road are within a UGA, have residential development approval, or have access or planned access to urban services.
- Requires cities and counties to authorize residential development for these types of parcels at the same density as adjacent parcels and allow buildings on these parcels to use and connect to urban services.
RENT CONTROL .........Take Action on HB 2114 and SB 5961
SB 5961 Link: https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=5961&Chamber=Senate&Year=2023
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