HB 2194 – Legalizing the home cultivation of cannabisHB 2194 –
DEAD – OPPOSED: Legalizing the home cultivation of cannabis.
Sponsors: Kloba, Wylie, Doglio, Goodman, Macri, Berry, Reed, Ormsby, Peterson, Fitzgibbon, Simmons, Fosse, Waters
- Legalizes the production and possession, by a person age 21 or over, of six cannabis plants and the cannabis and cannabis products derived from those plants, on the premises of the housing unit occupied by the person.
- Creates a class 1 civil infraction for the production or knowing possession of more than six but fewer than 16 cannabis plants, and specifies it is a class C felony to produce or knowingly possess 16 or more cannabis plants.
- Modifies real property seizure and forfeiture provisions in the Uniform Controlled Substances Act (UCSA) related to to cannabis.
- Adds a definition of “commercial activity” to the UCSA.
RENT CONTROL .........Take Action on HB 2114 and SB 5961
SB 5961 Link: https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=5961&Chamber=Senate&Year=2023
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