HB 2270 – Creating a Washington state department of housing
A study for the creation of the Department of Housing.
Sponsors: Morgan, Macri, Peterson, Gregerson, Ryu, Reeves, Callan, Bateman, Ormsby, Street, Cortes, Ramel, Kloba, Wylie, Fey, Leavitt, Donaghy, Thai, Goodman, Mena, Taylor, Duerr, Riccelli, Berry, Reed, Santos, Entenman, Ortiz-Self, Simmons, Bergquist, Stonier, Fosse, Timmons, Chapman, Stearns, Nance, Chopp, Shavers, Slatter, Doglio, Pollet, Tharinger, Walen, Bronoske, Orwall, Fitzgibbon, Davis, Alvarado, Paul
- The Office of Financial Management must contract with an external consultant to study and help facilitate the transition of state housing programs to a new state agency and identify gaps in current state housing programs. The study must include a review and recommendations on the following issues:
- a clear mission and vision for the new department;
- the organizational structure for the new department, including which agencies, administrations, commissions, or other functions of state government should be included, and identification of the reasons why a specific housing function or program is not recommended for inclusion, if any;
- any gaps in existing rental, transitional housing, senior housing, homelessness, homeownership, and manufactured housing programs provided by the state;
- estimated costs for the reorganization, including information technology and capital, and potential funding sources;
- a clear process for managing the reorganization; and
- measurable benchmarks by which the effectiveness of the new department would be assessed.
- As part of the review, the external consultant must engage with and seek recommendations from the following:
- the Office of the Governor;
- the Department of Commerce;
- the Department of Social and Health Services;
- the Health Care Authority;
- the Office of Equity;
- the Office of the State Treasurer;
- the Office of the Attorney General;
- the Housing Finance Commission;
- the Office of Civil Legal Aid;
- the Administrative Office of the Courts;
- the nonprofit housing development industry
- an organization that represents tenants;
- homeless shelter operators;
- representatives of low-income persons;
- representatives of special needs populations;
- public housing authorities;
- the for-profit housing development industry;
- The contract must require the external consultant to submit a report with its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the Legislature by December 1, 2024.
RENT CONTROL .........Take Action on HB 2114 and SB 5961
SB 5961 Link: https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=5961&Chamber=Senate&Year=2023
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