Tenant Screening is the most important part of the leasing process, but it doesn’t have to be the most difficult. LandlordSolutions allows landlords to screen prospective renters with ease.

If you have not logged in the past 90 days you will need to request your account to be unlocked.

Use the Screening Intake Form button below. After you will receive an email once your account is created along with an Application link to be used by potential tenant, as well as a link to the LandlordSolutions Tenant Screening Login. If you do not long to your account within the last 90 days you will need to have your account unlocked by contacting Landlord Solutions.

For applicant to apply and pay online:

Use this option when you want your applicant(s) to apply and pay directly. Drag and drop or copy/paste link into email for applicant(s). Note: the applicant(s) must provide your full first and last name in either the “Referred by” or “Showing Agent” fields on the application.

Use the provided link, can also be found within your Landlord solution dashboard.

How To View Your Tenant Screening Report

  1. Click here to login: LandlordSolutions Tenant Screening Login
  2. Use your username and password to login.
  3. Click the “REPORTS” button at the top of the screen.
  4. Your Pending Reports queue will come up.
  5. Click the name or file number of the report which you wish to view.
  6. Once the Report Results page comes up, click the “View Report” button to view the entire report in one document. You will be able to review any information that our investigation has found in the completed sections of the report and see up to date progress notes for the searches that are still pending.
This content is for members only.