Pay or Renew Your Membership Below

Either you are a new member or your membership has expired.

Your dues help us to provide a number of services to the local Landlord community.

1-5 Units


Monthly Newsletter
Educational Meetings
Rental forms
Landlord Training

6-20 Units


Monthly Newsletter
Educational Meetings
Rental forms
Landlord Training

21 or more


Monthly Newsletter
Educational Meetings
Rental forms
Landlord Training

Management Company


Monthly Newsletter
Educational Meetings
Rental forms
Landlord Training

Tax Information: The Benton Franklin Rental Owners Association is a Business League non-profit, which is exempt from taxation by the IRS under §501(c)(6) and as such, contributions are tax deductible by the donor to the extent provided by law. Our tax ID number is 91-0773922.

The tax-deductible amount for your membership is what you paid minus $65, for our Lobbiest and related expenses. Consult your tax advisor for more information.

1. MONTHLY MEETINGS – Held on the 3rd Thursday of each month, with informative programs, authoritative speakers, questions and answer periods, and a chance to meet your fellow members in the Association.

2. 11 MONTHLY NEWSLETTERS – This publication includes timely articles of general interest written by authorities in our industry.

3. SEMINARS – Subjects regarding financial analysis, investments, economics, etc., given  by professionals and offered at no cost to you.

4. EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS – Through education and high ethical standards, BROA is pledged to raise the professional standards and increase the efficiency of residential rental property operation in the Benton-Franklin area.

5. INFORMATION PANEL – A group of volunteers capable of answering many of your landlord – tenant questions. In  addition, legal consultation is available from Association recommended attorneys (see inside front cover of the newsletter). A “Grasshopper” call system is used where a group of knowledgeable landlords are available to answer questions 8-5 weekdays.

6. RENTAL FORMS – Available at our office at nominal cost to you to protect your legal rights and updated as needed.  Many of those forms are in duplicate or triplicate on NCR forms as required.  All of them are also available on our website (password protected for our members only) but, of course, are printed by the user in single copies only.

7. MONITORING – of City Council meetings for issues affecting the rental industry.

8. COMMERCIAL ADVERTISERS – Offering you a selection of services and retail products, sometimes at a discount.

9. TWELVE OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS – Donating their time and talent to be of service to you.

10. LEGISLATIVE REPRESENTATION – Your interests are served on vital issues by our State Legislative Lobbyist. The need for representation in the Legislature on laws affecting the rental industry is a constant concern of our Association.

11. TENANT SCREENING – An outstanding commercial and BROA member who does tenant screening.

12. UNITED VOICE – There is strength in unity. No property owner too small, no owner too large. It is an organization that helps unite the rental industry.