SB 5707 – Housing Court Pilot Program

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Housing Court Pilot Program

Sponsors: KudererLovelettNguyenNoblesWilson, C.

Status: DEAD


  • Creates a new Housing Court Pilot Program inside District Court for counties in Western Washington with a population of 2 million or more (King County).
  • Creates a new Housing Court Pilot Program inside District Court for counties in Eastern Washington with a population of 500,000 or more (Spokane County).
  • Applies to tenancies under RCW 59.12 and 59.18.
  • Includes case management that “should” result in efficient use and time.
  • Court facilitator to assist both parties (housing provider and resident).
  • Provide “non-adversarial” methods of dispute resolution such as a settlement conference and mediation by attorney mediators.
  • Sealing of eviction records.
  • Judicial officers are required to complete training program and subsequent training for a minimum of 8 hours annually.
  • Report to the State December 24, 2024, and each year thereafter.
  • Effective date January 1, 2024.
  • Expires July 1, 2033.

Talking Points

  • The Dispute Resolution Center is an ineffective and tedious process. How will this program be an improvement?
  • This program will impose immense financial and administrative burden on the counties that implement it.
  • Sealing eviction records suppresses relevant information for future housing providers.
  • There are already cities in Washington who cannot deny a resident based on eviction history.
  • This will slow down the eviction process which could lead to further harm to property or other residents in some circumstances.


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